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My Three Greatest Teachers of Life

Shirgie Fulgencio shares how he learned some life’s lessons from zorv, waterball and zipline. This is his way of saying that experience is always the best teacher.

three teachers

When I was teaching in a grade school, I used to explain things using a figure of speech called analogy. Analogy for me is the best way to explain or support the idea that I want to convey to my students. This is using a literal example or obvious illustration of things. It can be through a scenario, objects, people and even experiences.

The reason why I used Analogy as a method of teaching is because I learned a lot from
it. Analogy is everywhere, in fact this is how Universe speaks to us to remind us about
life and to teach us some valuable lessons.

Who would have thought that extreme activities like rolling on the hill through the zorv, running on the water through the waterball and flying in the air through a zipline can teach us life’s lessons?

I think this is the Universe’s way of reminding us about life and about our inner
capability to become infinite. Before we get too emotional here, I would like to share the lessons of life that I learned from one of our mini adventures.

Lesson Learned from Teacher Zorv: Be Courageous

Imagine yourself inside a ball as big as this:


And imagine that ball rolling on the hill as high as this:


Sounds exciting right? But hey, I’ll tell you, it’s a different feeling when you are just imagining it than in the actual scene. The thought of you being tied up inside this ball while it is rolling in the hill would make you think twice to try it. But you wouldn’t know how it really feels when you don’t try it, so I tried it.

I screamed and yelled and shouted inside the zorv while my intestines and all of my internal organs were gone haywire. It was one of the greatest 30 seconds of my life. It was like a roller coaster ride except that I haven’t experienced a roller coaster yet. One second you’re up, then next second you’re down, and the transition between up and down were so unpredictable and that made this activity more exciting and fun.

Life basically is just like a zorv, it will bring you up, it will bring you down and it will make you crazy. Just hold your grip, enjoy the ride and be courageous. Once the ball starts rolling, you can’t just stop it unless it reached the final edge of the hill. We have no choice, we have to live this life, but we can always choose to become brave in facing it and have fun.

Lesson Learned from Teacher Waterball: Challenge Yourself

Who would say it’s impossible to walk on the surface of the water? With the waterball, you can crawl, jump, run or even roll:


This one is not as challenging as the zorv, even a kid can get inside this waterball and do stints on the water without drowning. What I like about this activity is that, you can do absolutely everything except standing.I tried it and I swear I really can’t stand inside the ball. Of course, you can’t just sit inside and stay, it’s better to move so you will feel the challenge. To make it more interesting and fun, we challenged ourselves to stand inside the ball. Guess what? Nobody made it. Nevertheless, I enjoyed it so much that I was able to bring out the kid inside of me. I was a kid for 10 minutes and I liked it.

Well life sometimes is kind of boring. You know, when you do the same things everyday and going to the same places, you will feel like being disoriented. If you feel like this, challenge yourself. Try something new and extreme. Just like the waterball, if you want to experience the fun, get up and challenge yourself to stand. You wouldn’t know how much fun it is when things start to become wild and extreme.

Lesson Learned from Teacher Zipline: Take a Risk

A zipline with 310 meters long and a height I know can multiply you into pieces if you will get fall is something of a real challenge. This is not a game for those who have fear of heights.


I never backed out. I allowed myself to be tied up in a wire and slide over to get to the other end of the wire. At first, I was so scared to try it, it’s too risky up there. I don’t know how to fly, in case of worse comes to worst, I may end up dead. I rebuked negative thoughts, composed myself and decided to really try it out. I was a Superman in less than a minute. My hesitation was replaced by excitement when I was there flying while overlooking trees and mountains and buildings. So this is how superman feels when he is up there flying to save the world.

I never backed out. I allowed myself to be tied up in a wire and slide over to get to the other end of the wire. At first, I was so scared to try it, it’s too risky up there. I don’t know how to fly, in case of worse comes to worst, I may end up dead. I rebuked negative thoughts, composed myself and decided to really try it out. I was a Superman in less than a minute. My hesitation was replaced by excitement when I was there flying while overlooking trees and mountains and buildings. So this is how superman feels when he is up there flying to save the world.

This is an official entry to the The Learning Site’s Christmas Carnival.