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Blocks for Preschoolers

lego blocks blog

Coming in different forms, sizes and colors, lego blocks are interlocked to build different objects. Most of the time, teachers need not instruct children on how to form vehicles, animals, natural entities, buildings, robots, etc. because when the blocks are presented to the kids, their imagination and creativity start to take the driver’s seat naturally. With this instructional material, children learn how think powerfully and improve their dexterity.

lego blocks blog

As a preschool teacher, you can play with lego bricks in two ways: as directed and as desired. Direct classes are usually facilitated to pupils ages 3-4. Considering their insufficient know-how, give them a basket with specific number of blocks to form the desired target. Demonstrate how to do it in front of them. When they reach the goal, you can give them more blocks so they may add their own design or create other things in mind. For older kids with high level of creativity, it’s not necessary to do this. You can just let them do what they want.

In a preschool classroom, you can also use lego blocks for other purposes. You can utilize it for teaching math (counting, sorting, classifying), art (lego mosaics), science (knowing whether it sinks or floats in the water), music (producing different sounds), etc. With innovation as your companion, you can discover more uses of lego blocks.